You can make your items to move vertically and horizontally. To do it you should specify item movement property.
Movement is specified in <movement> node of item XML description:
<cg-item id='text-000'> <text>Sample Text</text> <cg-props scale='text-scale' align='top-left' edges-smooth='3' pos-x='970' pos-y='58' show='yes' move-type='accel-both' alpha='255' bg-color='Black(0)' pixel-ar='0.' play-mode='loop' interlace='auto' width='127' height='27' pause='no'> <indent left='0' right='0' top='0' bottom='0' use-for-bg='no'/> <group-indent left='0' right='0' top='0' bottom='0'/> </cg-props> <movement speed-x='1.' speed-y='0.'/> </cg-item>
Movement node contains 2 attributes: horizontal speed specified by speed-x attribute and vertical speed is specified by "speed-y" attribute. Values for these attributes are pixels for shifting (horizontal or vertical) per each frame.
You can set item movement with the SetItemMovement method. This method contains the following parameters:
- _bsItemID - item identifier
- _pItemMove - movement parameters that are specified with CG_ITEM_MOVEMENT structure
string myItemID = "myTextItem"; CG_ITEM_MOVEMENT myItemMovement = new CG_ITEM_MOVEMENT(); myItemMovement.dblXSpeed = 1.0; myItemMovement.dblYSpeed = 0.7; myCharGen.SetItemMovement(myItemID, ref myItemMovement);