Default properties of the Character Generator are in the registry:
Name | Default value | Description |
checkfile.sec | 1 | time (in seconds) to check a file for updates. |
checkfile.update_on_load | 0 | once "1", reloads a content of a block from a source file. Works if you use a text from an external file and modified it before loading a configuration. |
extrabuffer.mode | 1 | a mode that uses extra buffers. Setting to '0' disables memory copying for performance optimization |
onframeevent.maxwait | 0 | maximal time for an onFrame event |
onframeevent.enabled | 1 | indicates whether an onFrame event is enabled. |
demomode | 0 | demo mode. In this mode (1) promo labels are displayed. |
font.default | Sets a default font name for text items. If empty, Arial is used. | |
righttoleft.default | 0 | default direction of text (0 is for "left to right", 1 is for "right to left"). |
imageseq.dynamicload | 1 | dynamically load images in sequences. |
compatiblemode | 1 | compatible mode (deprecated property) |
changeresolution.updatecg | 1 | indicates whether the CG is updated when you change a source video format. |
onstart.loadprops | 0 | load properties on item start |
ticker.usesharpforlinks | 0 | indicates is the "#" symbol used for links in tickers. |
rss.usesharpforlinks | 0 | indicates is the "#" symbol used for links in RSS. |
rss.ignoreimage |
0 | Once 1, ignores images in RSS feeds. |
flash.forcerewind | 0 | Force rewind of flash items. |
ticker.loopeos | 0 | Loop ticker on end of a stream. |
ticker.ignorebr | 1 | Allows ticker item to ignore <br> tags. |
image.ignorear | 0 | Makes CG ignore aspect ratio for image items. |
overlay.thread | 1 | process a CG in a separated thread. In this mode, CG items don't take effect on playback and are loaded in a separated thread. But in this case, the CG time has a 1 frame delay. |
compositions.correctids | 1 | Corrects IDs of items within a composition to avoid overriding of existing items. |
flash.forcegetframe | 1 | Forces getting a frame for flash items |
items.keep-alive | 0 | keep items alive. | | 1 | fast clone items. |
text.force_gdi | 0 | forces GDI use for text rendering |
output_rect.scaling_quality | 2 | Scaling quality for output rectangle |
media.external_process | yes | Once "yes", a media content (video files) in CG is processed in a separated MServer.exe to increase the overall stability of the plugin |
media.use_for_images | no | Once "yes", uses a specific mode (like it is used for video files) to handle static images (PNG, JPG, TGA) in CG. |
media.use_for_sequences | yes | Once "yes", uses a specific mode (like it is used for video files) to handle image sequences. |
media.low_delay | no | Once "yes", CG uses a media source (a video file or an image sequence) without pre-buffering. |
media.scaling_quality | auto | Specifies a scaling quality for media sources in CG. |
media.async_overlay | no | Once "yes", process media sources in an asynchronous way for overlay. |
gpu_pipeline.max_width | dword:00000000 | Sets a maximal overlay width. Only for GPU-powered mode (experimental property). |
flash.preload | no | preload an empty SWF internally to keep the performance of the Flash overlay stable. |
demopath | a path to demo resources. |