The HTML5 Overlay plugin works just like any other plugin for MPlatform and MFormats SDKs.
Create the object
Create a new object and add it to your processing logic.
// Create a plugin object
MFOverlayHTMLClass m_objOverlayHTML = new MFOverlayHTMLClass();
// Add it to the master object
m_objPlaylist.PluginsAdd(m_objOverlayHTML, 0);
// Creare plugin object
MFOverlayHTMLClass m_objOverlayHTML = new MFOverlayHTMLClass(); // ... some threading stuff here to start receiving frames from the source ...
// Process each frame with plugin to apply changes
m_objOverlayHTML.ProcessFrame(pFrame, out pFrameOut, out nFramesRes, "");
Load the web page
Use local web pages or web URLs:
Set the page display parameters: position, size, zoom, etc.
Use the HTML Plugin to configure the page appearance and behavior. For example, you can display just a part of the page and scroll down the content. The display parameters are configured using IMProps interface:
// Set the display area to the right side of the stream
m_objOverlayHTML.PropsSet("dst.x", "60%");
m_objOverlayHTML.PropsSet("dst.y", "5%");
m_objOverlayHTML.PropsSet("dst.w", "40%");
m_objOverlayHTML.PropsSet("dst.h", "90%");
// Crop the page from the left and right sides to make it look nicely and focus on a center column of the page
m_objOverlayHTML.PropsSet("crop", "50,0,50,0");
// Scroll down the page vertically to display the content outside the display area
m_objOverlayHTML.PropsSet("scroll.speed_v", "1");
Control the page with mouse and keyboard actions
Use the page control methods to operate the page just like you would in a browser. As the plugin is displayed on a preview panel, we can monitor the mouse moves and clicks on that panel and pass them to the plugin to use for page control – or just simulate it programmatically.
For example, to simulate a left mouse button click:
// Let's pass the left mouse down event to the HTML plugin
// Create mouse event structure to fill the event details
// Specify the mouse position
mouseEvent.dblPosX = 100;
mouseEvent.dblPosY = 200;
// Use the eFlags value to specify the button that is pressed now. It can be a shift, alt, etc.
// pass the left mouse button press click.
mouseEvent.eFlags = eMFEventsFlags.eMFEF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON;
// Pass the mouse click to the plugin
// 3-rd parameter here (0) means that the button was pressed down (in opposite to mouse up)
// 4-th parameter here (1) means that the clicks count. We pass 1 for a single click
m_objOverlayHTML.BrowserMouseClick(mouseEvent, eMFMouseButtons.eMFMB_Left, 0, 1);
You can also simulate keyboard buttons:
// Let's simulate the key press events
// For example, the "A" key press
MF_KEY_EVENT keyEvent = new MF_KEY_EVENT();
// We will use the Char event type to simulate a single keystroke
keyEvent.eType = eMFKeyEventType.eMFKT_Char;
keyEvent.windows_key_code = (int)Keys.A;
// We can also pass a key down event
// For example the "Alt" key
keyEvent = new MF_KEY_EVENT();
// Here a KeyDown event type is used to simulate a button press down
keyEvent.eType = eMFKeyEventType.eMFKT_KeyDown;
keyEvent.windows_key_code = (int)Keys.Alt;
Use common browser commands: back, forward, reload
Just like in any browser, you can go forward, backwards or reload the page:
// Navigate backward
m_objOverlayHTML.BrowserCommand(eMFBrowserCommand.eMFBC_GoBack, "");
// Navigate forward
m_objOverlayHTML.BrowserCommand(eMFBrowserCommand.eMFBC_GoForward, "");
// Reload the page
m_objOverlayHTML.BrowserCommand(eMFBrowserCommand.eMFBC_Reload, "");
Interact with the page via JavaScript code
Use JavaScript to interact with a web page, such as fill in an email and password and click the login button:
string myJavascript = "document.getElementById('email').value = 'YourEmail';";
myJavascript += "document.getElementById('pass').value = 'YourPass';";
myJavascript += "document.getElementById('loginbutton').click();";