Specifies text direction
Member | Description |
eCGDT_BOTTOM | bottom alignment in rectangular |
eCGDT_CENTER | center alignment |
eCGDT_END_ELLIPSIS | ellips text on the end |
eCGDT_FLIP_HORZ | flip text horizontally |
eCGDT_FLIP_VERT | flip text vertically |
eCGDT_LOWERCASE | lowercase text |
eCGDT_NO_TAB | no tab text |
eCGDT_PATH_ELLIPSIS | path ellipsis |
eCGDT_RIGHT | right alignment |
eCGDT_RTLREADING | right to left direction text |
eCGDT_SINGLELINE | single line text |
eCGDT_TOP_LEFT | top left alignment in rectangular |
eCGDT_TRIMMING_CHAR | trimming characters in text |
eCGDT_TRIMMING_WORD | trimming word in text |
eCGDT_UPPERCASE | uppercase text |
eCGDT_VCENTER | vertical center alignment |
eCGDT_VERTICAL | vertical direction of text |
eCGDT_WORD_ELLIPSIS | word ellipsis |
eCGDT_WORDBREAK | word break text |