Configures devices
Gets the current device and its properties.
void DeviceGet( string _bsType, out string _pbsName, out string _pbsParam, out int _pnIndex )
_bsType - type of the device Possible values: "video" - currently set video device "video::line-in" - currently set input line of video device "audio" - currently set audio device "audio::line-in" - currently set input line of audio device "renderer" - currently set renderer "renderer::line-out" - currently set renderer output line "renderer::keying" - currently set keying state value "renderer::line-in" - currently set renderer input like (for keying)
_pbsName - name of the device
_pbsParam - parameters of the device
_pnIndex - index of the device
Gets the device name or device properties by its index.
void DeviceGetByIndex( int _bTypesEnum, string _bsType, int _nIndex, out string _pbsNameOrType, out string _pbsXMLDesc )
_bTypesEnum - returned value type Possible values: 0 - method returns current device name or it property. 1 - method returns available device types that can be passed to _bsType parameter.
_bsType - type of the device Possible values: "video" - currently set video device "video::line-in" - currently set input line of video device "audio" - currently set audio device "audio::line-in" - currently set input line of audio device "renderer" - currently set renderer "renderer::line-out" - currently set renderer output line "renderer::keying" - currently set keying state value "renderer::line-in" - currently set renderer input like (for keying)
_nIndex - index of the device
_pbsNameOrType - name of the device or its type
_pbsXMLDesc - XML description of the device. For "video" devices could contain "isBusy=true"/"isBusy=false" that indicates that device was or not used in another application.
Get the devices or properties count.
void DeviceGetCount( int _bTypesEnum, string _bsType, out int _pnCount )
_bTypesEnum - returned value type Possible values: 0 - method returns current device name or it property. 1 - method returns available device types that can be passed to _bsType parameter.
_bsType - type of the device Possible values: "video" - currently set video device "video::line-in" - currently set input line of video device "audio" - currently set audio device "audio::line-in" - currently set input line of audio device "renderer" - currently set renderer "renderer::line-out" - currently set renderer output line "renderer::keying" - currently set keying state value "renderer::line-in" - currently set renderer input like (for keying)
_pnCount - number of the devices or parameters
Sets the working device or updates device properties.
void DeviceSet( string _bsType, string _bsName, string _bsParam )
_bsType - type of the device Possible values: "video" - currently set video device "video::line-in" - currently set input line of video device "audio" - currently set audio device "audio::line-in" - currently set input line of audio device "renderer" - currently set renderer "renderer::line-out" - currently set renderer output line "renderer::keying" - currently set keying state value "renderer::line-in" - currently set renderer input like (for keying)
_bsName - name of the device or the parameter
_bsParam - additional parameters
Shows the device properties.
void DeviceShowProps( string _bsType, string _bsPropsType, long _lWndHandle )
_bsType - type of the device Possible values: "video" - currently set video device "video::line-in" - currently set input line of video device "audio" - currently set audio device "audio::line-in" - currently set input line of audio device "renderer" - currently set renderer "renderer::line-out" - currently set renderer output line "renderer::keying" - currently set keying state value "renderer::line-in" - currently set renderer input like (for keying)
_bsPropsType - type ofo the properties Possible values: "device" - show device properties page "stream" - show pin properties page
_lWndHandle - window handle