The properties are stored in the system registry:
and can be set with the PropsSet method. Please refer to this article about prefixes for properties.
Name | Default value | Description |
imaudio.enabled | true | Enables IMAudio interface for the object. |
statistics.extended | stat | Sets a prefix for gathering statistics of an MLive object after all the conversion and changes. |
statistics.input | stat_in | Sets a prefix for gathering statistics of the input signal itself. |
audio_channels | Default audio channels configuration. | |
audio_gain | Default audio gain configuration. | |
gpu.rgb_transform_matrix | The default color tranformation matrix for the GPU mode | |
device.update_count | false | Once enabled, a list of available devices is updated each time you call the DeviceGetCount method. It is useful when you work with devices that can be plugged in and out the system, for example, web cameras. |
device.set_first | false | Once enabled, the 1st available device is set the moment you create an MLive object. |
directshow.supported | true | Once enabled, DirectShow sources are available in MLive object. |
webcapture.enabled | true | Enables WebCapture source |
active_frc | dword:00000002 | Sets active frame rate converter mode. |
on_frame.sync | false | Makes OnFrame and OnFrameSafe events synchronous, so frame grabbing process won't continue until OnFrame event isn't over. | | false | Enables objects of OnFrame and OnFrameSafe events to contain MFrame data. |
on_event.sync | false | Makes OnEvent and OnEventSafe events synchronous, so frame grabbing process won't continue until OnFrame event isn't over. |
events.use_window | true | Use events (OnFrame, OnEvent, OnEventSafe and OnFrameSafe) in the thread of your application. If you use a service or an application without windows, then disable this mode. |
external_access | true | Once enabled, you can use MLive objects in external applications through mp:// links and IMSenders. |
default_name | MLive |
Default name of the object. If you need to change it, use the following approach: m_objLive.PropsSet("default_name", "new_name"); m_objLive.ObjectNameSet("new_name"); Note, that it's possible to change the name only before the object is started. If the object is running, stop it, and only then rename the object. |
deinterlace | true | Enables deinterlacing mode. |
preview.audio_channels | Default audio channels configuration for preview. | |
preview.type | dx9 | Type of preview. Possible values:
preview.show_cc | true | |
preview.drop_frames | false | Enables a mode in which frames can be dropped by preview object. |
preview.crop | 0.0%,0.0%,0.0%,0.0% | Default crop configuration for preview only. |
preview.pull | false | Enables pull-mode for preview. |
default_tracks | dword:00000004 | Default amount of audio tracks. |
channels_per_track | dword:00000000 | Default amount of channels per track. |
device_sharing | true | Enables Device Sharing feature with which you can use the same device multiple times in different applications at the same time. |
external_process | false | Process the instance of the object in a separated MServer.exe process |
no_signal.send_for_none | false | Once enabled, MLive sends "No Video Signal" video for audio-only sources. |
no_signal.enabled | true | Enables MLive to send "No Video Signal" video in case there is no signal (neither audio nor video) on a device. |
no_signal.force_animation |
false |
Animation of a moving vertical bar is turned off by default |
no_signal.picture |
Specifies a custom image for "No Video Signal" video.
no_signal.thread | true | Makes "No Video Signal" video be processed in a separated thread. |
no_signal.max_wait_msec | dword:000000a0 | Sets maximal wait time in msec for "No Video Signal". |
internal.convert_frame | false | Enables possibility to convert frames internally before the object is used in MPlaylist or MMixer (if disabled, it converts video to a format of the top object, e.g. MMixer). |
scaling_quality | auto | Video scaling quality |
bmd.new_api | false | Enables a new (11.x) implementation of Decklink API. |
bmd.enabled | true | Enables Blackmagic Design devices |
bmd.h264recorder | false | Enables Blackmagic Design H.264 ProRecorder device to be supported. |
deltacast.enabled | true | Enables Deltacast devices |
streamlabs.enabled | true | Enables Stream Labs devices |
crop | Default crop configuration. | |
mirror | Default mirror configuration. | |
rotate | Default rotate configuration. | |
overlay_rms | false | Enables RMS overlay. |
overlay_rms.pos | 0.07 | Specifies the relative vertical position of the RMS overlay. Available values are from 0.00 to 1.00. |
overlay_rms.color | blue |
Specifies RMS overlay color. Possible values:
overlay_waveform | false | Enables waveform overlay. |
overlay_waveform.pos | -0.25 | Specifies the waveform overlay position relative to the center. |
overlay_waveform.color | Specifies the waveform overlay color. | |
ltc.enabled | false | Enables LTC timecode by default. |
ltc.audio_device | Sets default LTC timecode device. | |
ltc.sync | false | Synchronizes LTC timecode with timecode from the source. |
ext_audio.insert_to_channels | Default external audio channels configuration. | |
ext_audio.enabled | true | Enables external audio sources usage. |
ext_audio.show_all_loopback | false | Once enabled, all the possible Loopback sources are available. Once disabled, it uses only the default sound card for PC Loopback mode. |
ext_audio.audio_only_msec | dword:0000000f | Sets duration of an audio chunk for audio-only signal (so you use None as a video source) |
ext_audio.wasapi_buffer_msec | dword:00000000 | Sets WASAPI buffer size in msec. |
ext_audio.master | false | Sets external audio sources in "master" mode so times of external audio sources are used for synchronization. |
input.buffers | dword:00000003 | Duration of the input buffer in frames. |
timecode.drop_frame | true | Sets drop-frame mode for input timecode |
timecode.time_sync | dword:00000000 | If "1", Overrides a source timecode with the system time |
timecode.offset | Sets timecode offset | |
debug.overlay_tc | false | Overlays input timecode. Debug-only property. |
debug.overlay_time | false | Overlays system time. Debug-only property. |
extra_devices.clsids | CLSID of external devices. | |
pull_mode.output_type | dword:00000002 | Specifies output type for enabled pull mode. |
pull_mode.cycles_before_disconnect | dword:0000000a | Sets number of cycles before the preview is disconnected |
pull_mode.wait_till_get | dword:000000c8 | Sets duration in msec for a preview to wait till it gets a frame. |
mask.argb32_output | true | ARGB32 output for fill+mask mode |
audio.lufs | false | Enables LUFS audio measurement |
audio.lufs_state | Sets a state of LUFS measurements | |
audio.lufs_channels | Sets audio channels for LUFS | |
audio.gain_normalization | false | Enables audio gain normalization |
gain_normalization.target_i | -23.0 | Target gain level for audio normalization. |
gain_normalization.gating | -100.0 | the gating parameter for audio normalization |
gain_normalization.loudness_type | rms | Type of audio normalization. Possible values: "rms", "m", "s", "i" |
mfconverter.enabled | true | enables internal conversion mechanism (not recommended to change) |
stabilize_fps | false | Once enabled, stabilized the incoming frame rate according to the specified video format (duplicates frames if some are missed on the input, or drops frames if the object receives more than expected). |
format.set_default_pixelformat | true | use the original pixel format for video conversion |
mdelay.enabled | false | Enables the MDelay feature by default. |
mdelay.live_preview | false | Specifies whether the live video is used for preview ("true") or the delayed one ("false"). |