Input properties
The properties that are specific to MLive and MFLive objects.
Name | Default value | Description |
bmd.locked_video | true | Once enabled, the source video is locked while it is processed. Required for input stability. |
bmd.hw_time | false | Once enabled, uses a hardware timer to calculate frame times. If disabled, frame time is calculated based on input audio samples. |
bmd.10bit | false | Enables 10bit video input. |
bmd.444 | false | Once enabled, a 10bit video is processed in RGB32 color space. Otherwise, UYVY is used for SD format and HDYC is used for HD format. |
bmd.no_copy | true | Once enabled, source frames themselves are allocated. If disabled, source frames are copied before allocation. |
bmd.persist_config | false | Once enabled, the settings of a device are used as default preferences. |
bmd.max_allocated_frames | 100 | Sets the maximal amount of allocated frames. |
bmd.duplex_mode | custom | Specifies duplex mode for BMD devices. Possible values:
bmd.PassThroughMode | disable | Specifies the PassThrough mode Possible values:
bmd.enum_optimization | true | Optimizes the input sources enumeration. It creates a new MServer.exe process that keeps the list of available BMD sources to minimize the time for other MLive/MFLive objects initialization. |
vanc.capture | false | Enables capturing VANC data with an input signal. |
vanc.capture_cc | false | Enables capturing Closed Captions data. |
vanc.capture_anc | false | Enables capturing ANC data. |
vanc.lines | Specifies lines to read VANC data from. | |
bmd.CaptureGroup |
All devices supporting synchronized capture with the same group number are started and stopped together. Value is an integer, should be greater than 0. |
input_8bit.force | false |
Force input source as 8-bit |
device_handle | - |
Shows the hardware handle of the SDI card installed on your system for selected MFLive / MLive instance. Props are useful for distinguishing live and renderers from 2 or more identical cards installed in the system. |
device_id | - |
Shows the hardware ID of the SDI card installed on your system for selected MFLive / MLive instance. Props are useful for distinguishing live and renderers from 2 or more identical cards installed in the system. |
Output properties
The properties that are specific to MRenderer and MFRenderer objects
Name | Default value | Description |
experimental.low_delay | true | Enables low delay mode. Experimental property. |
experimental.direct_out | true | Once enabled, a device sends a frame to output without any processing. |
experimental.direct_audio_thread | false | Once enabled, audio data is sent to output in a separate thread. |
optimization.no_copy | true | Once enabled, output frames themselves are allocated. If disabled, source frames are copied before allocation. |
optimization.own_buffer | true | Once enabled, the object uses its own buffer for frame processing. |
cc_output | 7 | Sets default mode for Closed Captions output. Possible values:
bypass.wait_frames | 30 | Sets a number of frames for the Bypass Relay feature. |
output.timecode | true | Once enabled, sends timecode with output frames |
cc_line_sdi | 9 | Sets a line for SDI Closed Captions output. |
output.10bit | false | Enables 10bit conversion for output video. |
file.buffers | 1 | Sets the amount of buffered frames for output from file sources. By setting it to 0 you reduce overall delay. |
live.buffers_min | 1 | Sets a minimal number of buffered frames for output from live sources. |
live.buffers_max | 3 | Sets a maximal number of buffered frames for output from live sources. |
device.init_first | true | Once enabled, the 1st available output device is initialized the moment you create an instance of an object. |
output.priority | 15 | Sets priority of output thread. Possible values: range between -2 and 15. |
scaling_quality | auto | Sets scaling quality for video. Possible values:
Here you can find which algorithm uses a certain value:
output.copy_vanc | 2 | Sets a mode to copy VANC data. Possible values:
output.anc_packets | true | Once enabled, an MRenderer object uses packets with ANC data for output. |
cc_clear_on_breaks | true | Clears CC packets once a break is processed. This occurs usually on seeking a source. |
timecode_format | auto | Sets timecode format. Possible values:
bmd.persist_config | false | Once enabled, the settings of a device are used as default preferences. |
bmd.output_link | single | Sets output link for a device. Values:
bmd.remove_field_jitter.enable | false | Enables a "Remove field jitter" mode for a device. |
bmd.PlaybackGroup |
All devices supporting synchronized capture with the same group number are started and stopped together. Value is an integer, should be greater than 0. |
bmd.schedule_audio_async |
false |
Causes the ScheduleAudioSamples method (from the BMD API) to execute asynchronously. |
output.afd_ar |
-1 |
Determines the aspect ratio of the received SDI signal.
See here for more details: |
output.afd_code | -1 |
Determines a 4-bit code describing a video picture in terms of the aspect ratio and other characteristics of the active image within the coded frame. The value should be set in a decimal form. For example, if it's needed to pass the value 0b1011, set 11 as the prop value (11 is the decimal form of 0b1011).
See here for more details: |
output.afd_packets | true |
Determines whether BMD cards should accept ADF codes from the SDI input data or not. |
device_handle |
- |
Shows the hardware handle of the SDI card installed on your system for selected MFRenderer / MRenderer instance. Props are useful for distinguishing live and renderers from 2 or more identical cards installed in the system. |
device_id | - |
Shows the hardware ID of the SDI card installed on your system for selected MFRenderer / MRenderer instance. Props are useful for distinguishing live and renderers from 2 or more identical cards installed in the system. |